Tutorial 3 - EEG: from scalp to sources
system('git stash --include-untracked') % store the modification in the stash
system('git pull https://github.com/sinergia-connectomics-summerschool-2021/tutorial03-code.git') % pull the newest version of the repository to be sure to be up-to-date
warning('Did not manage to pull the latest version of the code from Github')
addpath(genpath('.'))% make sure Matlab's current path in Tutorial 3 folder in the code folder of the datatest
BIDS_folder = fullfile('/', 'home','sinergiasummerschool','Data','ds003505');
path2fieldtrip = fullfile('/', 'home', 'sinergiasummerschool', 'Softwares', 'fieldtrip');
addpath(path2fieldtrip); % add Fieldtrip to the Matlab path
ft_defaults % this initialise Fieldtrip (/!\ do not initialise Fieldtrip with a recursive addpath [ addpath(genpath(path2fieldtrip)) ]
ft_warning off% Fieldtrip tends to raise a lot of warning, these are disabled otherwise it would make this tutorial cumbersome
EEG Preprocessing
sub_id = sprintf('sub-%02d',sub_number);
filename = fullfile(BIDS_folder, sub_id,'eeg', [sub_id,'_',task,'_eeg.bdf']); %eeg file in BIDs
event_file=fullfile(BIDS_folder, sub_id,'eeg', [sub_id,'_',task,'_events.tsv']); %event file
elec_file=fullfile(BIDS_folder, sub_id,'eeg', [sub_id,'_electrodes.tsv']); %electrode file
eeg_derivatives_path = fullfile(BIDS_folder,'derivatives','eeg_preprocessing',sub_id,'eeg');
load('elec.mat', "elec_proj");
% Tell Datalad to allow files to be modified
if exist(eeg_derivatives_path, 'dir')
[status,cmdout] = system('datalad unlock -d '+convertCharsToStrings(BIDS_folder)+' '+ convertCharsToStrings(eeg_derivatives_path));
ans =
1×0 empty char array
Downsampling, filtering and epoching
import the data
data = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
found matching BIDS sidecar '/home/sinergiasummerschool/Data/ds003505/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_task-faces_eeg.json'
reading '/home/sinergiasummerschool/Data/ds003505/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_task-faces_eeg.json'
found matching BIDS sidecar '/home/sinergiasummerschool/Data/ds003505/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_task-faces_channels.tsv'
reading '/home/sinergiasummerschool/Data/ds003505/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_task-faces_channels.tsv'
found matching BIDS sidecar '/home/sinergiasummerschool/Data/ds003505/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_electrodes.tsv'
reading '/home/sinergiasummerschool/Data/ds003505/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_electrodes.tsv'
processing channel { 'A1' 'A2' 'A3' 'A4' 'A5' 'A6' 'A7' 'A8' 'A9' 'A10' 'A11' 'A12' 'A13' 'A14' 'A15' 'A16' 'A17' 'A18' 'A19' 'A20' 'A21' 'A22' 'A23' 'A24' 'A25' 'A26' 'A27' 'A28' 'A29' 'A30' 'A31' 'A32' 'B1' 'B2' 'B3' 'B4' 'B5' 'B6' 'B7' 'B8' 'B9' 'B10' 'B11' 'B12' 'B13' 'B14' 'B15' 'B16' 'B17' 'B18' 'B19' 'B20' 'B21' 'B22' 'B23' 'B24' 'B25' 'B26' 'B27' 'B28' 'B29' 'B30' 'B31' 'B32' 'C1' 'C2' 'C3' 'C4' 'C5' 'C6' 'C7' 'C8' 'C9' 'C10' 'C11' 'C12' 'C13' 'C14' 'C15' 'C16' 'C17' 'C18' 'C19' 'C20' 'C21' 'C22' 'C23' 'C24' 'C25' 'C26' 'C27' 'C28' 'C29' 'C30' 'C31' 'C32' 'D1' 'D2' 'D3' 'D4' 'D5' 'D6' 'D7' 'D8' 'D9' 'D10' 'D11' 'D12' 'D13' 'D14' 'D15' 'D16' 'D17' 'D18' 'D19' 'D20' 'D21' 'D22' 'D23' 'D24' 'D25' 'D26' 'D27' 'D28' 'D29' 'D30' 'D31' 'D32' 'Status' }
reading and preprocessing
reading and preprocessing trial 1 from 1
the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 12 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 4172 MB
remove STATUS channel and rereference to central chqnnel (A1) to remove CMS contribute
data = ft_preprocessing(cfg,data);
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 2019 MB
preprocessing trial 1 from 1
the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 5 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 2027 MB
Downsample to 250Hz
cfg = struct('resamplefs',250);
data_resamp = ft_resampledata(cfg,data);
the input is raw data with 128 channels and 1 trials
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB
resampling data
resampling data in trial 1 from 1
original sampling rate = 2048 Hz
new sampling rate = 250 Hz
the call to "ft_resampledata" took 7 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 2397 MB
keep signal above 1Hz
cfg = struct('hpfilter', 'yes','hpfreq', 1, 'bsfilter','yes','bsfreq',[48 52]);
data_filt = ft_preprocessing(cfg,data_resamp);
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 2011 MB
preprocessing trial 1 from 1
the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 3 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 2012 MB
Read the event files and segment the data and remove bad epochs
% read the events.tsc file and downsample the onset sample and duration which were calculated with the original sampling frequency
[event] = ft_read_event(filename);
found matching BIDS sidecar '/home/sinergiasummerschool/Data/ds003505/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_task-faces_events.tsv'
reading header information from '/home/sinergiasummerschool/Data/ds003505/sub-01/eeg/sub-01_task-faces_eeg.json'
event(isnan([event(:).sample])) = [];
for evt = 1:length(event)
event(evt).sample = round(event(evt).sample/data.fsample*250);
event(evt).duration = round(event(evt).duration/data.fsample*250);
% identify trials corresponding to faces (1) and scramble (0)
% -bad epochs are automatically excluded
cfg.hdr.nSamples = data_filt.sampleinfo(2);
cfg.tracktimeinfo = 'no';
cfg.trialdef.eventvalue =1;
cfg.trialdef.prestim = 1.5; % in seconds
cfg.trialdef.poststim = 1; % in seconds
[cfg_FAC.trl, cfg_FAC.event] = ft_trialfun_general(cfg);
using the header from the configuration structure
using the events from the configuration structure
cfg.trialdef.eventvalue =0;
[cfg_SCR.trl, cfg_SCR.event] = ft_trialfun_general(cfg);
using the header from the configuration structure
using the events from the configuration structure
% extract trials and exclude trl corresp to 'outliers'
the input is raw data with 128 channels and 1 trials
the call to "ft_redefinetrial" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 124 MB
the input is raw data with 128 channels and 1 trials
the call to "ft_redefinetrial" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 182 MB
the input is raw data with 128 channels and 294 trials
selecting 293 trials
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB
the call to "ft_redefinetrial" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB
concatenating over the "rpt" dimension
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 4 MB
the call to "ft_appenddata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 8 MB
Remove bad channels
read bad channels from *_channels.tsv
chn_filename = strrep(filename,'eeg.bdf','channels.tsv');
chn_tbl = readtable(chn_filename, 'FileType', 'text');
bad_channels = chn_tbl.name(strcmp(chn_tbl.status,'bad'));
Display raw data
channels_colour = zeros(length(data_filt.label),3);
channels_colour(:,3) = 1;
bln_bad_chn = ismember(data_filt.label,bad_channels);
channels_colour(bln_bad_chn,1) = 1;
channels_colour(bln_bad_chn,3) = 0;
cfg.layout = 'biosemi128.lay';
cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';
cfg.channel = data_filt.label(1:30);
cfg.linecolor = channels_colour;
ft_databrowser(cfg, data_filt)
the input is raw data with 128 channels and 1 trials
detected 0 visual artifacts
the different artifact types correspond to the following colors:
visual = pink
the different event types correspond to the following colors:
Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL. For more information, click here.
Error using matlab.internal.editor.FigureManager
Error while evaluating Figure SizeChangedFcn.
the call to "ft_databrowser" took 4 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 126 MB
remove bad channels from the segmented data
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 304 MB
Remove eye blink with ICA
Compute Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
% cfg.channel = {'all' '-A1'}; % compute ICA using all channels except the A1 which is the new reference
% ICs = ft_componentanalysis(cfg, data_no_bad_ch);
load previously computed ICA decomposition
load(fullfile(eeg_derivatives_path,'ica_component.mat'), 'ICs', 'ICs2remove')
plot the independent components
cfg.layout = 'biosemi128.lay';
cfg.viewmode = 'component';
ft_databrowser(cfg, ICs)
reading layout from file biosemi128.lay
the call to "ft_prepare_layout" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB
the input is component data with 109 components and 109 original channels
the input is raw data with 109 channels and 587 trials
detected 0 visual artifacts
the different artifact types correspond to the following colors:
visual = pink
the different event types correspond to the following colors:
Error using matlab.internal.editor.FigureManager
Error while evaluating Figure SizeChangedFcn.
the call to "ft_databrowser" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 46 MB
Remove component 1 which corresponds to the eye blink (16 because of slow drift and 39 because artefacts are present)
cfg=struct('component',[1 16 39], 'updatesens', 'no');
data_ICA = ft_rejectcomponent(cfg, ICs, data_no_bad_ch);
baseline correcting data
removing 3 components
keeping 106 components
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 5 MB
processing trials
processing trial 587 from 587
not applying the backprojection matrix to the elec structure
the call to "ft_rejectcomponent" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 312 MB
Compare the EEG before and after the rejection of the component
cfg.layout = 'biosemi128.lay';
cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';
cfg.channel = {'all', '-A1'};
ft_databrowser(cfg, data_no_bad_ch)
the input is raw data with 110 channels and 587 trials
detected 0 visual artifacts
the different artifact types correspond to the following colors:
visual = pink
the different event types correspond to the following colors:
Error using matlab.internal.editor.FigureManager
Error while evaluating Figure SizeChangedFcn.
the call to "ft_databrowser" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 20 MB
title('Before IC rejection')
ft_databrowser(cfg, data_ICA)
the input is raw data with 110 channels and 587 trials
detected 0 visual artifacts
the different artifact types correspond to the following colors:
visual = pink
the different event types correspond to the following colors:
Error using matlab.internal.editor.FigureManager
Error while evaluating Figure SizeChangedFcn.
the call to "ft_databrowser" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 26 MB
title('After IC rejection')
Interpolate bad channels
Find the neighbour channels
Find the neighbouring channels anf plot them
cfg = struct('channel','all','method','triangulation');
neighbours = ft_prepare_neighbours(cfg, data_seg);
using electrodes specified in the data
there are on average 7.8 neighbours per channel
the call to "ft_prepare_neighbours" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 2 MB
using electrodes specified in the configuration
the call to "ft_neighbourplot" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 14 MB
Interpolate the bad channels
Interpolate the bad channels using the traces of the neighbouring channels
data_interp = ft_channelrepair(cfg,data_ICA);
the input is raw data with 110 channels and 587 trials
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
assuming that the data is EEG, use cfg.senstype to overrule this
using electrodes specified in the data
There are 0 bad channels
There are 19 missing channels
Spherical spline and surface Laplacian interpolation will treat bad and missing channels the same. Missing channels will be concatenated at the end of your data structure.
Checking spherical fit... perfect spherical fit (residual: -0.2%)
computing weight matrix... done!
interpolating channels for 587 trials ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
the call to "ft_channelrepair" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 365 MB
reset the original order of the channels if changed
if ~all(strcmp(data_interp.label, orig_labels))
[~, idx] = ismember(orig_labels,data_interp.label);
data_interp.label = data_interp.label(idx);
data_interp.trial = cellfun(@(trl) trl(idx,:), data_interp.trial, 'uni', 0);
visualise the final result
the input is raw data with 128 channels and 587 trials
detected 0 visual artifacts
the different artifact types correspond to the following colors:
visual = pink
the different event types correspond to the following colors:
Error using matlab.internal.editor.FigureManager
Error while evaluating Figure SizeChangedFcn.
the call to "ft_databrowser" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 13 MB
the input is raw data with 128 channels and 587 trials
detected 0 visual artifacts
the different artifact types correspond to the following colors:
visual = pink
the different event types correspond to the following colors:
Error using matlab.internal.editor.FigureManager
Error while evaluating Figure SizeChangedFcn.
the call to "ft_databrowser" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 14 MB
title('Pre-processed EEG')
Re-reference to the average reference
cfg = struct('reref','yes','refchannel','all','method','avg');
data_reref = ft_preprocessing(cfg, data_interp);
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
preprocessing trial 587 from 587
the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 31 MB
MRI preprocessing
sub_id = sprintf('sub-%02d',sub_number);
mri_filename = fullfile(cmp_preproc_folder, sub_id,'anat', [sub_id,'_desc-head_T1w.nii.gz']); % defaced mri file
GM_filename=fullfile(eeg_preproc_folder,sub_id,'anat',[sub_id,'_label-GM_dseg.nii.gz']); %gray matter map
atlas_filename=fullfile(cmp_preproc_folder,sub_id,'anat',[sub_id,'_atlas-L2018_res-scale1_dseg.nii.gz']); % atlas file
% hdmdl_filename = fullfile(mri_preproc_folder, sub_id,'anat',[sub_id '_space-individual_desc-reslice_headmodel.mat']); % headmodel created by mri_preprocessing.m script
% srcmdl_filename = fullfile(mri_preproc_folder, sub_id,'anat',[sub_id '_space-individual_desc-reslice_sourcemodel.mat']); % headmodel created by mri_preprocessing.m script
hdmdl_filename = 'headmodel.mat'; % defaced mri file
srcmdl_filename = 'sourcemodel.mat'; % defaced mri file
% Tell Datalad to allow files to be modified
if exist(mri_preproc_folder, 'dir')
[status,cmdout] = system('datalad unlock -d '+convertCharsToStrings(BIDS_folder)+' '+ convertCharsToStrings(mri_preproc_folder));
ans =
1×0 empty char array
Load the defaced MRI, Atlas and Gray Matter mask
[mri_fname, temp_folder] = decompress_mri(mri_filename);
mri = ft_read_mri(mri_fname);
the coordinate system appears to be 'scanras'
mri.coordsys = 'ras'; % we suppose that the coord sys is ras
delete(mri_fname); rmdir(temp_folder);
% Read gray matter MRI file
[gray_fname, temp_folder] = decompress_mri(GM_filename);
gray = ft_read_mri(gray_fname);
the coordinate system appears to be 'scanras'
gray.coordsys = 'ras'; % we suppose that the coord sys is ras
delete(gray_fname); rmdir(temp_folder);
[atlas_fname, temp_folder] = decompress_mri(atlas_filename);
atlas = ft_read_mri(atlas_fname);
the coordinate system appears to be 'scanras'
atlas.coordsys = 'ras'; % we suppose that the coord sys is ras
delete(atlas_fname); rmdir(temp_folder);
ROI2remove=[35:39,76:80, 83];
Display the three MRI
cfg = struct('method', 'slice', 'slicerange', [85 200]);
ft_sourceplot(cfg, mri)
the input is volume data with dimensions [221 276 221]
scaling anatomy to [0 1]
not plotting functional data
not applying a mask on the functional data
not using an atlas
not using a region-of-interest
scaling anatomy
the call to "ft_sourceplot" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 117 MB
ft_sourceplot(cfg, gray)
the input is volume data with dimensions [221 276 221]
scaling anatomy to [0 1]
not plotting functional data
not applying a mask on the functional data
not using an atlas
not using a region-of-interest
scaling anatomy
the call to "ft_sourceplot" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 131 MB
cfg.funparameter = 'anatomy';
cfg.funcolormap = 'tab20';
ft_sourceplot(cfg, atlas)
the input is volume data with dimensions [221 276 221]
scaling anatomy to [0 1]
not applying a mask on the functional data
not using an atlas
not using a region-of-interest
scaling anatomy
the call to "ft_sourceplot" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 122 MB
Head model
segment the MRI
% cfg.output = {'brain', 'skull', 'scalp'}; % if MRI is not defaced, simply segment {'brain', 'skull', 'scalp'};
% segmentedmri = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri);
little trick applied here to recreate a bit of the forehead
% segmentedmri.scalp = (segmentedmri.scalp | ...
% imdilate(segmentedmri.skull, strel('sphere',10))) & (~segmentedmri.skull & ~ segmentedmri.brain);
Remove the neck
% I = find(segmentedmri.skull);
% [~,~,z] = ind2sub(segmentedmri.dim, I);
% segmentedmri.scalp(:,:, 1:zmin-10) = 0;
create surfaces (mesh at tissues interfaces)
% cfg.tissue={'brain','skull','scalp'};
% cfg.numvertices=[3000,2000,1000];
% mesh=ft_prepare_mesh(cfg,segmentedmri);
create a volume conduction model
% cfg.method='concentricspheres';
% headmodel = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, mesh);
Load the precomputed head model
load(hdmdl_filename, 'headmodel', 'mesh')
Plot the meshes
ft_plot_mesh(mesh(1), 'facecolor',[0.9 0.2 0.2], 'facealpha', 0.3, 'edgecolor', [1 1 1], 'edgealpha', 0.05);
ft_plot_mesh(mesh(3),'edgecolor','none','facecolor',0.4*[1 1 1],'facealpha', 0.3);
Display the three concentric spheres
clr = [0.9 0.2 0.2; 1 1 1; 0.4 0.4 0.4];
curr_sphr = R(k)*sphr + permute(O, [1 3 2]);
surf(curr_sphr(:,:,1),curr_sphr(:,:,2),curr_sphr(:,:,3), 'EdgeColor'...
,'k', 'EdgeAlpha',0.3,'FaceColor', clr(k,:), 'FaceAlpha', 0.4)
plot3(headmodel.o(1),headmodel.o(2),headmodel.o(3), 'r+', 'MarkerSize',20)
Source model
remove the ROIs of the Basal Ganglia from GM
% mask=ismember(atlas.anatomy,ROI2remove);
To have a nicely aligned grid, realigned and reslice the mri to a template
% tmp_mri_filename = fullfile(path2fieldtrip, 'external', 'spm12','toolbox', 'OldNorm', 'T1.nii');
% tmp_mri = ft_read_mri(tmp_mri_filename);
% tmp_mri.coordsys = 'ras';
Co-register the mri to the template
% cfg.spm.regtype = 'rigid';
% [realign] = ft_volumerealign(cfg, mri, tmp_mri);
apply the same transformation to the gray matter map
% realign_gray.transform = realign.transform;
apply 1 mm reslicing
% cfg=struct('method','cubic','resolution',1,'dim',250*[1 1 1]);
% realign_reslice_GM = ft_volumereslice(cfg, realign_gray);
create source model restricted to gray matter
% cfg=struct('resolution',6,'unit','mm','tight','yes','mri',realign_reslice_GM);
% sourcemodel = ft_prepare_sourcemodel(cfg);
transform the coordinate of the source model back to the original mri space (they are currently in the space of the template)
% T_mat = realign.transformorig/realign.transform;
% [sourcemodel.pos]= ft_warp_apply(T_mat, sourcemodel.pos, 'homogeneous');
Load the precomputed source model (sources are positioned in the gray matter except the basal ganglia )
load(srcmdl_filename, 'sourcemodel')
ft_plot_mesh(mesh(1), 'facecolor',[0.9 0.2 0.2], 'facealpha', 0.3, 'edgecolor', [1 1 1], 'edgealpha', 0.05);
ft_plot_mesh(mesh(3),'edgecolor','none','facecolor',0.4*[1 1 1],'facealpha', 0.3);
ft_plot_mesh(sourcemodel.pos(sourcemodel.inside,:),'vertexcolor', 'k');
finally, verify that the electrode are aligned to the MRI
ft_plot_sens(data_reref.elec, 'style', '.b', 'label', 'label')
Inverse Solution
Leadfield matrix (forward model) and Inverse Operator
estimate the leadfield
cfg.elec = data_reref.elec; % sensor information
cfg.sourcemodel = sourcemodel; % source points
cfg.headmodel = headmodel; % volume conduction model
leadfield = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);
using electrodes specified in the configuration
creating sourcemodel based on user specified dipole positions
using electrodes specified in the configuration
5583 dipoles inside, 10545 dipoles outside brain
the call to "ft_prepare_sourcemodel" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB
computing leadfield
computing leadfield 5583/5583
the call to "ft_prepare_leadfield" took 144 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 31 MB
calculate covariance matrix from baseline
cfg.covariancewindow = [-.1 0]; %calculate cov on timepoints before the zero-time point in the trials
data = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg, data_reref);
the input is raw data with 128 channels and 587 trials
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 16 MB
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
the call to "ft_timelockanalysis" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 390 MB
estimate the inverse operator
dat = []; % we only want the filter for now
hdmodel = []; % the headmodel is only used when isinside not present in leadfield and if sourcemodel does not have leadfield
elec = []; % the elec structure is only need if leadfield not present which is not hte case here
% inverse_operator = ft_inverse_mne(leadfield, elec, hdmodel, dat, ...
% 'noisecov', data.cov, 'keepfilter', 'yes', 'prewhiten',...
% 'yes','scalesourcecov','yes',...
% inverse_operator = ft_inverse_sloreta(leadfield, elec, hdmodel, dat, data.cov, 'lambda', 0.05);
% inverse_operator = ft_inverse_lcmv(leadfield, elec, hdmodel, dat, ...
% data.cov, 'keepfilter', 'yes','lambda', 0.05,'weightnorm','unitnoisegain','projectnoise','yes');
% inverse_operator = ft_inverse_dics(leadfield, elec, hdmodel, dat, ...
% data.cov, 'keepfilter', 'yes','lambda', 0.05,'weightnorm','unitnoisegain','projectnoise','yes');
inverse_operator = ft_inverse_eloreta(leadfield, elec, hdmodel, dat, ...
data.cov, 'keepfilter', 'yes','lambda', 0.05);
using precomputed leadfields
cfg.trials = find(data_reref.trialinfo == 1);
avg_FAC = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg, data_reref);
the input is raw data with 128 channels and 587 trials
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
the call to "ft_timelockanalysis" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 180 MB
filter = cat(1,inverse_operator.filter{:});
source_data.pow = zeros(size(inverse_operator.inside));
% dnoise = diag(diag(1./blkdiag(inverse_operator.noisecov{:})));
t_idx = find(t_of_int >= 0.147, 1, 'first');
% src = dnoise*filter*avg_FAC.avg(:,t_idx);
src = filter*avg_FAC.avg(:,t_idx);
% pow_src = sum(src.^2)./inverse_operator.noise(inverse_operator.inside)';
source_data.pow(source_data.inside) = pow_src';
cfg = struct('interpmethod', 'spline', 'parameter', 'pow', 'verbose', 'off');
[interp] = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, source_data, mri);
the input is volume data with dimensions [221 276 221]
the input is source data with 16128 brainordinates on a [24 32 21] grid
selecting subvolume of 22.8%
interpolatininterpolating 100.0
reslicing and interpolating pow
interpolatinterpolating 100.0
the call to "ft_sourceinterpolate" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 752 MB
cfg = struct('method', 'slice', 'slicerange', [85 200], 'funparameter', 'pow', 'funcolorlim', [0 max(pow_src(:))]);
% cfg = struct('method', 'slice', 'slicedim', 1, 'funparameter', 'pow', 'funcolorlim', [0 max(pow_src(:))]);
ft_sourceplot(cfg, source_data, mri);
the input is source data with 16128 brainordinates on a [24 32 21] grid
the input is volume data with dimensions [221 276 221]
the input is source data with 16128 brainordinates on a [24 32 21] grid
selecting subvolume of 22.8%
interpolating 100.0
reslicing and interpolating pow
interpolating 100.0
the call to "ft_sourceinterpolate" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 618 MB
scaling anatomy to [0 1]
not using an atlas
not using a region-of-interest
scaling anatomy
the call to "ft_sourceplot" took 3 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 618 MB
ROI time course
Now project the cleaned scalp EEG traces in the source space and apply the SVD to have a single traces for each ROI
Assign each point source to an ROIs
% Tbl_idx2label = readtable('Lausanne_atlas_label.tsv','FileType',...
% 'text', 'Delimiter', '\t');
% mask=ismember(atlas.anatomy,ROI2remove);
% atlas.anatomy(mask) = 0;
% [src_label, ROIs_elec]= ...
% assigned_label2source_points(inverse_operator, atlas, Tbl_idx2label);
% ROIs_lbl = unique(src_label(~strcmp(src_label,'Outside')), 'stable');
% [bln, idx] = ismember(Tbl_idx2label.abbreviation,ROIs_lbl);
% ROIs_lbl = ROIs_lbl(nonzeros(idx));
% n_ROIs = length(ROIs_lbl);
% filters = inverse_operator.filter;
% Fs = data_reref.fsample;
% [n_channels, n_samples] = size(data_reref.trial{1}); % only works if trials have the same length
% n_trials = length(data_reref.trial);
% time_courses = cat(2, data_reref.trial{:});
% ROI_traces = zeros(n_ROIs, n_samples*n_trials);
% % parfor uses the parallel toolbox to parallelise the loop, change to for if this toolbox is not available
% parfor ROI_id = 1:n_ROIs
% curr_ROI_bln = strcmp(src_label, ROIs_lbl{ROI_id});
% curr_filters = filters(curr_ROI_bln);
% curr_filters = cat(1,curr_filters{:});
% ESI_tmp = time_courses.'*curr_filters.'; % Inverse space transformation
% [ROI_traces(ROI_id,:),S,V] = svds(ESI_tmp,1);
% ROI_traces(ROI_id,:) = S*ROI_traces(ROI_id,:);
% %% recreate a Fieldtrip data structure and store it
% ROI_data.trial = ROI_traces;
% ROI_data.trial = mat2cell(ROI_data.trial, n_ROIs, n_samples*ones(1,n_trials));
% ROI_data.elec = ROIs_elec;
% ROI_data.trialinfo = data_reref.trialinfo;
% ROI_data.label = ROIs_lbl;
% ROI_data.fsample = data_reref.fsample;
% ROI_data.time = data_reref.time;
% ROI_data.sampleinfo = data_reref.sampleinfo;
Load previously computed ROi traces
load(fullfile(BIDS_folder,'derivatives','source_modelling',sub_id,'eeg','ROI_data.mat'), 'ROI_data');
Average the ROI time-series for the face and scrambled condition
cfg.trials = find(ROI_data.trialinfo == 1);
avg_ROI_FAC = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg, ROI_data);
the input is raw data with 72 channels and 587 trials
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB
the call to "ft_timelockanalysis" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 115 MB
cfg.trials = find(ROI_data.trialinfo == 0);
avg_ROI_SRC = ft_timelockanalysis(cfg, ROI_data);
the input is raw data with 72 channels and 587 trials
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB
the call to "ft_timelockanalysis" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 102 MB
Get a mesh for each ROI
Tbl_idx2label = readtable('Lausanne_atlas_label.tsv','FileType','text','Delimiter','\t');
n_ROIs = length(ROI_data.label);
bln = strcmp(Tbl_idx2label.abbreviation, ROI_data.label{id_ROI});
fv(id_ROI) = isosurface(smooth3(atlas.anatomy == Tbl_idx2label.index(bln), 'gaussian',5*[1 1 1]),0.5);
normcoef = max(abs(avg_ROI_FAC.avg(:)));
figure('Color','w', 'Position', [120 120 1200 800]);
plot(avg_ROI_FAC.time, avg_ROI_FAC.avg)
vline = plot(-0.1*[1 1], normcoef*[-1 1],'k', 'LineWidth',2);
p(:,1) = arrayfun(@(fv) patch(fv, 'EdgeColor', 'None', 'FaceColor', 0.6*[1 1 1]), fv(end/2+1:end));
p(:,2) = arrayfun(@(fv) patch(fv, 'EdgeColor', 'None', 'FaceColor', 0.6*[1 1 1]), fv(1:end/2));
p(:,3) = arrayfun(@(fv) patch(fv, 'EdgeColor', 'None', 'FaceColor', 0.6*[1 1 1]), fv(end/2+1:end));
p(:,4) = arrayfun(@(fv) patch(fv, 'EdgeColor', 'None', 'FaceColor', 0.6*[1 1 1]), fv(1:end/2));
axis(ax(2:end), 'vis3d', 'equal', 'off')
material(ax(2:end), 'dull')
arrayfun(@(axx) camlight(axx, 'headlight'), ax(2:end));
ax(2).Position = [0.025 0.3 0.45 0.45];
ax(3).Position = [0.525 0.3 0.45 0.45];
ax(4).Position = [0.025 -0.05 0.45 0.45];
ax(5).Position = [0.525 -0.05 0.45 0.45];
set(ax(2:5), 'XDir', 'reverse')
colour = [linspace(0.6,1, 256)', linspace(0.6,0, 256)' linspace(0.6,0, 256)'];
selected_time = [find(ROI_data.time{1} > -0.1, 1, 'first'), find(ROI_data.time{1} > 0, 1, 'first'),...
find(ROI_data.time{1} > 0.1, 1, 'first'), find(ROI_data.time{1} > 0.147, 1, 'first'), find(ROI_data.time{1} > 0.2, 1, 'first'),...
find(ROI_data.time{1} > 0.4, 1, 'first')];
for ind_t = selected_time
vline.XData = [1 1]*avg_ROI_FAC.time(ind_t);
curr_amp = abs(avg_ROI_FAC.avg(:,ind_t));
idx_clr = ceil(curr_amp*256/normcoef);
for id_ROI = 1:length(ROI_data.label)
[p(id_ROI,[1 3]).FaceColor] = deal(colour(idx_clr(id_ROI),:));
[p(id_ROI-n_ROIs/2,[2 4]).FaceColor] = deal(colour(idx_clr(id_ROI),:));
cfg.layout = ft_prepare_layout(struct('layout', 'ordered', 'columns', 9, 'rows', 8), avg_ROI_SRC)
the call to "ft_prepare_layout" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
cfg =
layout: [1×1 struct]
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 2 MB
the call to "ft_prepare_layout" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
the call to "ft_multiplotER" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 15 MB